In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Rock on the Hill Music Festival Fundraiser (hereinafter "Fundraiser Event") hosted by the Hanover Area Junior Chamber (hereinafter the "Jaycees") and Pleasant Hill Fire Company, I (participant) intend to be legally bound hereby as follows:

1. I have been instructed and I understand that prior to participating in the Fundraising Event that I should inspect the field and premises, and if I believe anything is unsafe, I should immediately advise a Jaycees agent of such condition(s) and refuse to participate.

2. I acknowledge and fully understand that each participant will be engaging in activities that may involve risk of serious injury, which might result not only from my own actions, inactions or negligence, but the action, inaction or negligence of others, or the condition of the premises or equipment. Further, that there may be other risks not known to me or not reasonably foreseeable at this time.

3. I assume all the foregoing risk and accept personal responsibility for the damages following such injury.

4. I release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue the Jaycees or Pleasant Hill Fire Company, their respective administrators, directors, agents, and other employees of the organization, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, and advertisers from any and all liability to the undersigned, his or her heirs and next of kin, for any and all claims, demands, losses or damages on account of injury, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the releasees or otherwise.

5. In case any part of this Waiver be construed as improper or invalid, such invalidity will affect only that part of this Waiver and the rest shall remain valid and enforceable.

6. Any alteration, modification, or amendment to this Waiver shall not be considered as valid unless otherwise written and signed by the undersigned herein.